Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Football Fan's Manifesto

New on the bookshelves today is Michael Tunison's The Football Fan's Manifesto, which, in addition to being a pretty freaking hilarious, cradle-to-the-grave look at the rabid fans of the NFL, also features a dozen or so spot illos by yours truly! I was honored to get the call from Mike to provide some art for his book...in addition to being a Steelers fan and just an all-around swell dude, he's also one of the funniest football bloggers (hell, football writers) I've ever seen, as evidenced by his body of work on the uproarious, ribald Kissing Suzy Kolber site, where he writes as Christmas Ape. His DC Steeler Nation blog is a hoot, also.

So get yourself ready for some football by zipping over to Amazon and ordering The Football Fan's Manifesto, already!

Flacco Fail

Much as I think Todd MacFarlane is an arrogant jerk who couldn't draw his way out of a paper bag, I grudgingly have to give him credit for one thing: Making cool action figures (and especially for making cool action figures of hockey players in Quebec Nordiques uniforms). He missed the boat on this one, though.